Wouldn't it be good if schools from across the world could collaborate on a project...?
Redefining teaching and learning
As a technology integrator for Avenues: The World School, I am constantly searching for technology tools that will allow students and teachers to redefine teaching and learning in a way that is personalised and accessible to a range of abilities.
It is important that I find tools that allow for both creativity and collaboration. Book Creator for iPad is an app that allows students and teachers to author authentic content collaboratively from anywhere in the world, and even better, the app makes it easy to publish and share their multi-media iBook creations in a variety of ways!
Collaboration made easy with Book Creator
A central theme of the Avenues curriculum is global collaboration, so our students and teachers love to connect with classrooms around the world. But if you have ever tried to organise collaboration between multiple classrooms around the world, you probably know that it can often take quite a bit of time and planning. Luckily, Book Creator saves you a lot of time by making the collaboration part super easy.
The Global iBook
I love trying ideas with our earliest learners at Avenues, because I figure if they can do it, almost anyone can do it! Since our four-year-old pre-K students had just finished studying the topic of location, I decided that creating a global book could be a perfect way for them to share some of the things they had learned about our location in New York City, and to learn about other locations around the world.
I sent a tweet out on Twitter asking for anyone using the Book Creator app to send us a page about their location, and I was shocked by the amount of people who wanted to participate in the global book. Pages poured in from around the world, from students of all ages and all abilities. The creativity of the multi-media pages was amazing and exciting!
Are u using Book Creator app? I would love if u would create a page about your location & send 2 me. I want 2 create a global book! #ipaded
— Meg Wilson (@iPodsibilities) May 24, 2013
It was super easy to combine the pages, as people either emailed me the pages or a link to the pages. Once the book was compiled, I uploaded the multi-media creation to the cloud so it was easy for everyone to access and download to any iPad.
The finished result of our collaboration was a beautiful Global iBook filled with videos, audio, images, hyperlinks, and text from around the world. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, and I know that it has inspired students and teachers around the world to author and publish collaborative iBooks using Book Creator!

Meg Wilson is a special education teacher and assistive technology specialist at Avenues: The World School, New York, as well as being an Apple Distinguished Educator since 2011.
7 Comments on “Going global with Book Creator”
Avenues School has since published two more Global iBooks – see this blog post from Kristen Paino: http://open.avenues.org/global-book-series-shelters-around-the-world
Love your Global iBook! We are making an epub with some teachers…. and they can’t share their books because they are too big. How did you share your book? I know one suggestion is making it into a movie… still too big. What was the size of your global book? HELP!!!!! Have to be able to move these epubs! Too big for Google Drive.
Hi Ann,
The Global iBook was about 130MB which is big but not too big, so sharing was not a problem. The iPad cannot easily transfer files of around 300MB. You can check how big your book is by tapping the Inspector beneath your book in the My Books screen. It might be you need to split the book up in order to export it, or perhaps free up some space on your iPad by deleting other files and apps and then trying again.
If you need more support from us then contact us via the forum: http://support.redjumper.net/forums
I would love to replicate this project – would that be okay?
Of course! Let us know if you need any help.
I have created a 60 page children’s book (square format) in book creator and would like to get it published and printed. Please can you tell me if it’s possible to increase the resolution (dpi) as the illustrations which were done using Brushes look like 72 dpi and for printing they need to bee at least 300 dpi and converted to CMYK. Is there a way of doing this without losing quality? What is the dpi of a PDF file
Hi Michele – sorry, I don’t know how you can increase the dpi of books that have been exported as a PDF. I don’t think it’s possible.