Publishing with Book Creator

Share your books online with Book Creator
With a couple of clicks you can share your books with the world in a safe, secure way, allowing teachers, parents and students to view student work on any device. Give your students an audience beyond the classroom!

Our guide to publishing to the Apple Books Store
Book Creator ebooks are created using the international ePub standard, so you know they will be readable now and in the future. Book Creator books are optimized for easy publishing to the iBooks Store.
6 secrets of publishing ebooks with iPads
Apple Distinguished Educator Jane Ross lets us in on some of the tips and secrets she’s learnt from publishing ebooks with her students.
Understanding copyright, licensing and attribution for photos and images
Finding good quality images for your books isn’t easy. This article helps explain some of the terminology involved with copyright law and creative commons, to help you with sourcing images online.
9 Design tips to give your book a professional finish
Cathy Hunt, of iPad Art Room, provides some effective design principles for making ebooks with Book Creator.