New Remixable EL Education ELA Templates for Grades K-8

Randi AhrndtCurriculum Development, English / Language Arts, Feature update, Literacy

A colorful promotional image featuring various performance task modules from EL Education for grades K-8.
Explore Book Creator's Discover Library to kick off your school year with standards-aligned curriculum resources!
We are excited to introduce brand new EL Education ELA Performance Task templates in Book Creator’s Discover Library. At the end of each EL Education module, students are tasked with completing a culminating activity that showcases their learning. The Book Creator Team, in partnership with educator and consultant Mary Ellen Wessels, have created template books for all 36 performance tasks for grades K-8.
GIF showing location of performance tasks in the discover library

Why EL Education curriculum is a game changer for ELA teachers

EL Education offers a free, standards-aligned language arts curriculum grounded in the science of reading and enriched with social-emotional learning. Recognized by for its excellence, this curriculum ensures students engage with rich, culturally inclusive topics and texts.

Performance tasks for mastery

Each grade in EL Education includes four modules, each culminating in a performance task. These tasks challenge students to showcase their understanding and apply higher-order thinking skills by creating products or completing specific tasks, providing concrete evidence of their learning.

GIF of performance task

How Book Creator enhances the learning experience

Using Book Creator’s accessibility features, every student can feel confident and creative in completing their performance tasks. Teachers can easily remix templates from the Discover Library, customizing them to suit various teaching styles and student needs. Once customized, teachers can assign these tasks directly to students, who can then create and share their work.

Key benefits for teachers

By using these templates, teachers can save time in planning and creating materials for each module. We’ve even created a Teacher Guide to accompany these books to help teachers in navigating these resources.

EL Education Performance Tasks With Book Creator Cover

By creating a library for each module and using the assign feature for easy student sharing, teachers can easily track and assess student progress. Upon completion, teachers or students can even publish their books and they can be shared with the world!

Access and remix your performance tasks today!

Check out the EL Education Performance Tasks under the “ELA Curriculum” tab in the Student Templates section of the Discover Library. While you're there, explore all the resources Book Creator has to offer!

Watch how to remix books into your teacher dashboard:

Start exploring now and transform your classroom experience with Book Creator’s EL Education ELA templates!

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