Category: 21st Century Skills

Here are all the blog posts included in this category
Featured image for “To Prepare Students for the Future, Unleash their Creativity”

To Prepare Students for the Future, Unleash their Creativity

There may not be Neopets living in the Motherboard, but there IS endless creativity living in each of your students! Dr. Beth Holland has some ideas on how to unlock that creative potential in learners.
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Featured image for “How to use photography books for inquiry and creativity”

How to use photography books for inquiry and creativity

May is National Photography Month. Get kids excited about learning with photographs in Book Creator.
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Featured image for “Project Based Learning in Book Creator leads to competition win!”

Project Based Learning in Book Creator leads to competition win!

Hear how Book Creator came to the rescue for a school in South Africa which lead them to winning a national competition.
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Featured image for “Unlocking the future of education: How EdTech empowers teachers and students alike”

Unlocking the future of education: How EdTech empowers teachers and students alike

Unlocking the future of education: How EdTech empowers teachers and students alike – empowering our students and ourselves through technology.
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Featured image for “6Cs of education – Citizenship and Character education”

6Cs of education – Citizenship and Character education

This is the final chapter in our 6Cs of education series. Now we’re looking beyond the traditional 4 “academic” skills to emotional intelligence, grit, perseverance, an intrinsic desire to learn, and the capacity to empathize with others.
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Featured image for “6Cs of education – Critical thinking with Book Creator”

6Cs of education – Critical thinking with Book Creator

Across subject areas and grade levels, all teachers want their students to develop the critical thinking skills—problem solving, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. The challenge is how.
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Featured image for “6Cs of education – Creativity with Book Creator”

6Cs of education – Creativity with Book Creator

This post continues our series on the 6Cs of education. How can Book Creator help foster a spirit of imagination, problem solving and creativity in the classroom?
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Featured image for “6Cs of education – Collaboration with Book Creator”

6Cs of education – Collaboration with Book Creator

This post is part of our series on the 6Cs of education. What does it mean to collaborate? What types of collaboration exist and how can Book Creator help facilitate these?
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Featured image for “6Cs of education – Communication with Book Creator”

6Cs of education – Communication with Book Creator

This post is part of our series on the 6Cs of education. How might Book Creator be used to help students understand the role of empathy and audience before choosing a technology with which to communicate?
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Featured image for “What are the 6Cs and why are they important?”

What are the 6Cs and why are they important?

The first in a series of posts looking at Professor Michael Fullan’s 6Cs of 21st Century learning.
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