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Winning Wellness Game Plan for a Successful New Year
Discover the Winning Wellness Game Plan for a Successful New Year! Learn how to set affirmations, goals, and self-care tools with interactive Book Creator templates.
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Build empathy and collaboration into your classroom – here’s how
Book Creator and Empatico have teamed up to help you foster collaboration and empathy in your classrooms. Join the Book Creator community in Empatico and access four pre-made lessons to help you connect with teachers and students across the world.
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Learning through short films: Fostering Social Emotional Learning and life skills with Book Creator
How Book Creator can be used as a tool for Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and an enriching experience for both the students and teachers.
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Tips for creating poetry projects for ELA classes
Creative writing projects like poetry are a great way to help your students strengthen their creativity and critical thinking skills. Here are some tips for creating poetry projects with Book Creator.
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I spy a creative way to explore Social Emotional Learning in the classroom
Mira Campbell is back with another innovative project idea to help students apply the social emotional skills they had learned throughout the year in a fun hands-on way!
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How investing in empathy can help your classroom thrive
The pandemic taught us that human connections are vital to our students working together effectively. Empathy should be at the heart of our curriculum. Here are some ideas for fostering a mindset of empathy with your students.
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How a Kindergarten teacher built classroom community in a virtual learning space
The switch to virtual learning came with various benefits. Hear how a Kindergarten class used Book Creator to interact with one another and capture learning.
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Engage and inspire your students as they head into 2022
We are pleased to bring you this exciting new project which will help spread some positivity heading into 2022…
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Digital Citizenship Week
Digital Citizenship Week is 18th – 22nd October 2021. Book Creator has templates, lesson ideas and other resources to help guide you and your students to becoming greater digital citizens!
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Empathy Project: Using Book Creator to facilitate cultural dialogue
How do we help students develop empathy and become productive global citizens? Michael Hernandez suggests creating books that focus on interviews and portraits to help connect students to other people and cultures.
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