Position: Teacher
School: Keene Middle School, Keene, New Hampshire
Years as an Educator: 21
Fun/Zany/Interesting fact: During his career in the United States Army, he made over 100 static-line parachute jumps.
Favorite Book Creator Feature: The ability to publish remixable books to share with other teachers.
Memorable moments and visual elements
Inspired by watching a Book Creator webinar with Randy Arndt and Jon Smith. I created a number of interactive graphic organizers to boost student engagement in my classroom. Using the space in the pasteboard or margins allows students to manipulate the information on each graphic organizer. I immediately saw a boost in student engagement as we used the features of Book Creator in the classroom.
Taking a template and remixing it to suit the needs of my students is a game changer.Eric Stinebring
Goals and aspirations for the upcoming year
I retired from full-time teaching in June 2024, however I am still teaching as a substitute several days a week; currently I am introducing Book Creator to other teachers and showing them ways they can use Book Creator with their students. In November, I will be presenting an Introduction to Book Creator at our district-wide Innovation Institute.
Connect with Eric
We encourage you to connect with Eric on Facebook to learn more about their innovative practices and gain insights into how you can enhance your teaching with Book Creator.
Join our vibrant community of educators, and discover how Book Creator can elevate your teaching methods. If you’d like to learn more about how Book Creator can support your educational goals, visit our website.

Hotler joined Book Creator as the Education Community Manager in February, 2023. He has 15 years of experience in education as a teacher, coach, and consultant in North America and Europe. His mission is to build and empower communities of educators who are passionate about teaching with Book Creator.