New ebook: Using emojis in the classroom

Dan KempCreativity, Engagement

We've teamed up once again with Dr. Monica Burns to bring you an essential resource for your classroom. This new ebook, Using Emojis in the Classroom is packed with fun ideas that you probably hadn't thought of before! 🤔

As Monica explains in her book, emojis are more than just fun! 🤪

These visual representations are powerful when used purposefully in the classroom. Students can add emojis to a digital space to share a feeling, communicate tone, or tell a story that transcends just one language. 🙏

Read the book online

Emojis & SEL pages in the book

Monica draws on real-life examples and her own experience as a former classroom teacher to present emoji-themed ideas from across the curriculum. So if you teach ELA, math, science, social studies or SEL - there will be a lesson idea for you! 🔭

Tiny Emoji

Please also check out this amazing emoji-themed photobook idea from fellow Book Creator Ambassador Kurt Klynen. It's featured in Monica's book too but we didn't want you to miss it! 🏇

Tiny Emoji book pages

Useless fact

The most selected emoji in Book Creator is the dog emoji 🐶 which is selected more than twice as many times as any other!

So, are you inspired? Are you already using emojis in the classroom, and if so, how? Leave a comment below and let us know! 👇

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One Comment on “New ebook: Using emojis in the classroom”

  1. Cuando califico una tarea, escribo un comentario como retroalimentación y coloco un emoji que muestra lo bien que estuvo el trabajo con una carita feliz o coloco una imagen relacionada con el tema que se dejó de tarea.

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