Category: ProTips

Here are all the blog posts included in this category
Featured image for “Back to School with Book Creator!”

Back to School with Book Creator!

It’s that time of year! We’ve put our heads together at Book Creator to come up with the most useful set of templates, resources, lesson ideas and more to help you and your students hit the ground running. Happy book making!
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Featured image for “Overcome your fear of new tech tools with these easy steps”

Overcome your fear of new tech tools with these easy steps

Technology has come to the forefront of education, and there are so many tools to use. It can be daunting to introduce a new platform – but it is so important to explain how and why it can support student learning.
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Featured image for “Want to turn your students into producers as well as authors?”

Want to turn your students into producers as well as authors?

Digital tools can provide a platform for creativity by allowing students to take the reigns. Hear how Patrick Peter used Book Creator to elevate his students’ skill set.
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Featured image for “The Higher Ed teacher’s way to make accessible and engaging presentations”

The Higher Ed teacher’s way to make accessible and engaging presentations

When you share content, it is critical that everyone in your audience can engage with your content fully. With Book Creator, you can create a fully accessible presentation that can be enjoyed by all.
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Featured image for “A rubric for Book Creator”

A rubric for Book Creator

Sam Kary talks about helping his students elevate their work by introducing a rubric for their digital book projects, helping them focus on design and multimedia.
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Featured image for “Easy always wins – Lessons learned during a pandemic”

Easy always wins – Lessons learned during a pandemic

It’s certainly been a challenging year! However there are some key takeaways from it all. Hear what Jon Smith has learnt over the past 12 months.
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Featured image for “10 ideas to support Play-Based Learning over the Summer”

10 ideas to support Play-Based Learning over the Summer

Here are 10 ways you can engage your students in learning over the summer – without them even realizing they are learning!
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Featured image for “3 reasons why Book Creator is my go-to tool in Higher Education”

3 reasons why Book Creator is my go-to tool in Higher Education

Are you teaching in higher education? Are you teaching remotely? This article from Dr. April Bice will make you rethink your use of virtual platforms for pedagogy.
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Featured image for “Competitions – a great way to get students engaged!”

Competitions – a great way to get students engaged!

We often get schools asking us how they can run their own Book Creator competitions. So here’s some guidance (based on our experience) to help you run an engaging competition.
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Featured image for “Best practice guide for collaborative projects with Book Creator”

Best practice guide for collaborative projects with Book Creator

Looking for fun ways to bring your students together to create an inclusive classroom? Catherine is here to explain how Book Creator can help!
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