New: UNLIMITED libraries in Book Creator

Dan KempNews

Anyone on the 1,000 book plan can now create unlimited libraries.

We're really pleased to announce this latest update to Book Creator, which allows you to create as many libraries as you like!

Up until now, you could create 10 libraries with 100 books in each. But as of today, we're taking off the shackles and allowing you to create unlimited libraries with up to 200 in each library (up to your 1000 book limit).

Screenshot of libraries in the Teacher Dashboard

What does this mean for your classroom?

We've had a lot of requests from teachers for this. It means that you now have flexibility to set up your Book Creator workspace as you wish.

You could set up libraries for your class, by topic, or age level, or even create separate libraries for each student and have them create a portfolio of work for the school year.

Screenshot of popup box to create a new library

Please note, this is only available to anyone on the 1,000 book plan (individuals, schools or districts). It does not apply to the 180 book plan, which remains limited to 3 libraries with 60 books in each.

Want to upgrade to get this? Here's how you can do that.

So, what do you think of this? How will you use it to structure your Book Creator libraries now? Leave us a comment below.

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7 Comments on “New: UNLIMITED libraries in Book Creator”

  1. Hi Dan,

    Is there a special during the Coronavirus where Book Creator is free? Thanks for your reply.

  2. Is there a way to control students creating their own Libraries in their Book Creator accounts? I do not want my students searching for images etc. I did not see this on the admin dashboard. Help!

    1. Hi Julia – students cannot create their own libraries. If yours are doing that, it sounds like they have signed in as teachers.

  3. Is there a way to organize your libraries? I have multiple libraries, as each student has their own. I teach multiple grades so it would be nice to have a folder with each grades’ libraries in. Sometimes they are hard to find in my list!
    Thank you!

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