We've translated Book Creator so it now works in 10 new languages (not to mention English).
The languages now supported are:
🇩🇰 Danish
🇳🇱 Dutch
🇫🇮 Finnish
🇫🇷 French
🇩🇪 German
🇮🇹 Italian
🇯🇵 Japanese
🇳🇴 Norwegian
🇪🇸 Spanish
🇸🇪 Swedish
We hope this will really help with remote learning throughout the world, especially where students are trying to get to grips with Book Creator from their homes.
If your browser is set to any of the languages above, Book Creator will now automatically appear in that language when you open the app online.
Using Book Creator in different languages
Unfortunately, we're not really able to provide support in any other language apart from English right now (although we do try our best with Google Translate!). So, we also reached out to our 850+ Book Creator Ambassadors around the world to see what Book Creator resources we could find in other languages. We asked for videos, blog posts, tutorials and ebooks and any other resources that were available. Here's what they gave us!
If you have any other resources in any of the languages above, please let us know.
🇩🇰 Deens
- Med Book Creator på Skoletube kan alle lave bøger
- Book Creator Danmark (Facebook)
- Diktering - Book Creator (Chrome)
- Sette inn tekst - Book Creator (Chrome)
🇳🇱 Nederlands
🇫🇷 Français
- Bien commencer avec Book Creator
- Publier une création Book Creator sur le web [Tuto]
- Creér une livre numérique avec Book Creator
- Formation Book Creator
- Exemples de livres en Français
🇩🇪 Deutsch
- Book Creator Tutorial - Kreativ-App für Erarbeitung und Ergebnissicherung
- Book Creator (E-Books erstellen)
- E-Book mit der Book Creator Chrome App erstellen
- Lehrer Bibliothek Book Creator
🇮🇹 Italiana
- Video tutorial su BOOK CREATOR
- Creare un e-book a scuola | Tutorial book creator
- Tutorial Book Creator fumetti
🇪🇸 Española
- Taller app Book Creator
- Conociendo Book Creator
- Conociendo Book Creator (alumnos)
- Book Creator Spanish (web)
- Ejemplos de libros en Español
🇸🇪 Svenska
Book Creator as a tool for language learning
We realise that this update may also support teachers who use Book Creator for teaching foreign languages. Changing the language of the whole app may make for a much more immersive learning experience for older students!
We have a whole section of our resources devoted to using Book Creator in the language classroom, so do check that out. It includes example books from across the world, plus this excellent resource from Ramona Towner and Lucia Carrera: Supporting Language Learners with Book Creator.

Dan Kemp is the Marketing Director and has been working here since 2013. One of Dan’s favourite jobs is hearing the stories of how Book Creator is used to bring joy to classrooms all over the world, and he happily retells these stories on these pages!
6 Comments on “You can now use Book Creator online in 10 different languages”
Hi Dan,
At the moment you do not have Polish as a language, can you copy and paste text into Book Creator? For me that is a form of going around the issue of trying to write in Translator and copy the target language into book creator???
We don’t have the app in Polish, you’re right, but that won’t stop you copying and pasting text in Polish (or using a Polish keyboard to type into Book Creator).
How can I change display language on Book Creator in English? The current default language is French, which I can’t understand :(((
Does this help?
Dear Dan,
When will the Arabic language be included as part of the foreign languages on offer by Book Creator?
I am an English-speaking student, currently learning the Arabic language. Many people tend to find it a difficult language, but the method we are using is very simple.
In view of the above, I wanted to create a book, based on my lessons & notes to assist other English-speaking students with the Arabic language.
Worldwide, there are people that are learning Arabic, so I do believe it would be a wise investment for Book Creator.
I look forward to hearing from you soonest.
Kind regards
Hi Zerina – we don’t have any plans to offer the Book Creator interface in Arabic. But you can type in Arabic and it will automatically flow right to left.