Category: Blog

Here are all the blog posts included in this category
Featured image for “Want to design more creative learning experiences for students? Use the 4Ps”

Want to design more creative learning experiences for students? Use the 4Ps

Dr. Beth Holland introduces a framework called the 4Ps of Creativity to help educators incorporate creativity into their teaching practices.
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Featured image for “Feature update – more options in the text editor”

Feature update – more options in the text editor

We’ve updated the text editor with some powerful new features! Text coloring and highlighting, bullet lists, and special characters for math and languages.
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Featured image for “Collaborating with AI: a modern approach to storytelling in the classroom”

Collaborating with AI: a modern approach to storytelling in the classroom

AI is a tool not often associated with elementary education, yet one that holds immense potential. Students found themselves collaborating with AI to ignite their storytelling journey in a lesson with teacher Tracy Terwilliger and Digital Learning Coach Holly Clark.
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Featured image for “New Book Creator Community Program – join today!”

New Book Creator Community Program – join today!

At Book Creator, we believe in the power of innovation and connection to make a real difference in education. We are thrilled to announce the launch of an expansion to our Community program, available at
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Featured image for “Learning through short films: Fostering Social Emotional Learning and life skills with Book Creator”

Learning through short films: Fostering Social Emotional Learning and life skills with Book Creator

How Book Creator can be used as a tool for Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and an enriching experience for both the students and teachers.
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Featured image for “How an entire class became published authors”

How an entire class became published authors

How an entire Grade 4 class became published Authors, with an epic reveal and celebration
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Featured image for “Teacher creativity and personal enrichment with Book Creator”

Teacher creativity and personal enrichment with Book Creator

Michael Hernandez shares some ideas for teachers to take on board to support their own creativity and enrichment. He also shares his own homemade example, made in Book Creator!
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Featured image for “8 creative back to school activities for any classroom”

8 creative back to school activities for any classroom

Dr. Monica Burns shares some of her favorite tips using Book Creator as you come back to school.
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Featured image for “5 tips for an inclusive classroom this school year”

5 tips for an inclusive classroom this school year

Start the new year with an inclusive outlook, making students feel valued and building their self-esteem from the first day in your classroom.
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Featured image for “Book Creator Toolkit for Schools & Districts”

Book Creator Toolkit for Schools & Districts

Check out the Book Creator Toolkit – the perfect resource for instructional coaches and tech integrators who use Book Creator in their schools and districts.
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