Category: Middle School

Here are all the blog posts included in this category
Featured image for “5 digital storytelling tips to enhance your historical narratives”

5 digital storytelling tips to enhance your historical narratives

Book Creator can help engage your students in digital storytelling. Here are 5 tips to help you get started.
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Featured image for “Create a healthier, more productive learning experience with student portfolios”

Create a healthier, more productive learning experience with student portfolios

However you use digital portfolios in your learning space—as a replacement for traditional grading or as part of a mosaic of evaluation methods—you’ll help to create a culture of reflection, and a community of learners who confidently share their learning with others.
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Featured image for “A rubric for Book Creator”

A rubric for Book Creator

Sam Kary talks about helping his students elevate their work by introducing a rubric for their digital book projects, helping them focus on design and multimedia.
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Featured image for “SEL template books you can use today”

SEL template books you can use today

Social Emotional Learning is one of the main priorities in education right now. We’ve made these activity book templates to help you focus on student wellbeing.
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Featured image for “Planet Classroom 1-page stories in Book Creator!”

Planet Classroom 1-page stories in Book Creator!

The Planet Classroom writing challenge gathered an amazing 360 entries from 25 different countries! Check out the fantastic final 10 and the winning book.
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Featured image for “Competitions – a great way to get students engaged!”

Competitions – a great way to get students engaged!

We often get schools asking us how they can run their own Book Creator competitions. So here’s some guidance (based on our experience) to help you run an engaging competition.
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Featured image for “Best practice guide for collaborative projects with Book Creator”

Best practice guide for collaborative projects with Book Creator

Looking for fun ways to bring your students together to create an inclusive classroom? Catherine is here to explain how Book Creator can help!
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Featured image for “Partner Spotlight: Newburgh Enlarged City School District”

Partner Spotlight: Newburgh Enlarged City School District

How Book Creator was able to help a school district with continuous learning during the pandemic and beyond.
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Featured image for “The challenge of learning recovery – let’s remember to make it fun”

The challenge of learning recovery – let’s remember to make it fun

Learning recovery is a huge issue facing schools right now. Book Creator can help address this by keeping students engaged through offering an audience for student work, voice and choice, and differentiation.
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Featured image for “The Chromebook Infused Classroom microbook”

The Chromebook Infused Classroom microbook

We’ve teamed up with ElevateEdu Publishing once again to publish a sample chapter from their amazing resource for teachers using Chromebooks in their classrooms.
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