The Book Creator blog

News, views, case studies and ideas to help you along in the world of edtech
Featured image for “Book Creator lets students take ownership of the learning experience”

Book Creator lets students take ownership of the learning experience

High School teacher Courtney Pepe admits that her only regret is that she didn’t start using Book Creator earlier!
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Featured image for “Using Book Creator to support students with autism”

Using Book Creator to support students with autism

The iPodTeacher turned to Book Creator to motivate his group of autistic students, and soon had them publishing their own books on the iBooks Store.
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Featured image for “Is this the first ebook ever published on the iBooks Store by a 2-year-old?”

Is this the first ebook ever published on the iBooks Store by a 2-year-old?

Christ Dunst teamed up with his 2-year-old son to publish an ebook on the iBooks Store and to the Amazon Kindle Store. Creativity with your child!
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Featured image for “Why I use Book Creator in the classroom”

Why I use Book Creator in the classroom

Apple Distinguished Educator Cormac Cahill tells us why he uses Book Creator to create ebooks in his classroom and the amazing effect it has on his students.
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Featured image for “Father and daughter work together to publish an ebook on iTunes”

Father and daughter work together to publish an ebook on iTunes

This is a lovely story of how a father and his 10-year-old daughter combined forces to create a high quality ebook and publish it on the iBooks Store.
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Featured image for “iPad artist goes from blank canvas to published ebook”

iPad artist goes from blank canvas to published ebook

iPad artist Andy Maitland discovered that publishing his first iPad Art ebook was a simple matter of “tap, tap and you’re published”.
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Featured image for “Book Creator: Breaking boundaries in Special Education”

Book Creator: Breaking boundaries in Special Education

This Special Education eLearning coach used Book Creator app to empower his students to overcome their disabilities and read with confidence.
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How to publish on iTunes. Step 3 – Add your book to iTunes Producer

As part of our guide on publishing ebooks to the iBookstore, this section deals with packaging up your ePub file in iTunes Producer, ready to send to Apple.
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Featured image for “How to publish on iTunes. Step 2 – install iTunes Producer”

How to publish on iTunes. Step 2 – install iTunes Producer

As part of our guide on publishing ebooks on the iBookstore, this post goes through the process of downloading and installing iTunes Producer on your Mac.
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Featured image for “How to publish on iTunes. Step 1 – create an iTunes Connect account”

How to publish on iTunes. Step 1 – create an iTunes Connect account

This is the first in a series of guides aimed at enabling Book Creator users to publish their ebooks in the iBookstore.
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